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Harmonic Messiah

By Richard Merrick

I should begin by saying I never intended to write what you are about to read. I’m not in the habit of writing about messiahs. It just came as a result of an innocent curiosity concerning the widespread phenomena of ‘seeing elevens,’ of which I too seem to be experiencing.

While investigating a possible connection between ‘seeing elevens’ and the end of the Mayan calendar at 11:11AM on 12/21/2012, I discovered evidence of a connection between the Gregorian and Mayan calendars. While this was really not a huge surprise for me, I was actually quite surprised to find that the number 11 could have been used over two thousand years ago to prophesize the birth of Jesus Christ!

harmonic messiahFirst some background. Scholars have set the beginning of the Mayan calendar at August 11, 3114 BC. And, since the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, the total number of years in the Mayan ‘long count’ cycle is a little more than 5,126 years.

Now, since BC years run backward in time, the Mayan calendar actually starts 3113.61 years prior to point zero of the Gregorian calendar, inclusive of the extra months and days. Furthermore, since the Mayan calendar ends about three years from now in December, the actual number of years since the beginning of the Gregorian calendar is 2012.97. The reason this is important is when we take the difference between these two BC and AD numbers, we get the following correlation to the number 11:

3113.61 – 2012.97 = 1100.64 years or almost exactly 11 centuries.

The appearance of 11, a number in sequence with 12 and 13, by itself suggests a possible numeric correlation between the Gregorian and Mayan calendars. But when you combine it with the fact that the Gregorian calendar starts 3113 years from the beginning of the Mayan long count (a geometrically reflected 13) and then ends on a year comprised of 20 centuries (the base of the Mayan calendar) and 12 years (the most harmonically balanced number possible), it all seems a little too engineered to be a coincidence. In fact, it suggests that the calendar we use today may well have been designed to start at the specific proportional difference of 11 within the 5,126-year Mayan long count. Of course if it really was somehow purposely aligned to 11, then this raises a number of questions.

First, were the Mayan and Gregorian (and Julian) calendars based on some shared ancient knowledge of natural cycles? Was this information somehow shared between the Americas and Europe through ancient transatlantic voyages? Or, was it simply a matter of two separate cultures observing planetary cycles over a very long time, eventually discovering the same long count period that (for some reason) we no longer understand?

But regardless of how these calendars came to match up, the fact is they do and the 11-proportion even corresponds to the estimated birth of Jesus Christ between 4 and 7 BC. Records show there was much anticipation leading up to this prophesized birth and that many wise men (not just three) were in wait. Was the expectation of a new messiah that would lead a new age based on the proportion of 11 between 3113+ BC and 2012+ AD?

If so, what could be so auspicious and harmonic about 11 that the Gnostic priests of the day would use it to predict something so important as a new messiah sent by God? Beyond the symbolic duality in the two 1’s and the fact that 11 begins a new numeric cycle of 10, there is actually a physical property in the harmonic series related to resonance and the 11-proportion that those wise men could have understood.

Without going in to too much detail here, the 9th wave partial in the harmonic series of any vibrating medium is uniquely synchronized (in both damping and resonance locations) with its fundamental frequency, creating the counter posing 11th wave partial (called Diabolus in Musica by the Catholic Church).

If the fundamental 1st wave partial is God and the 9th is his heavenly angel of resonance, then the 11th is its complementary dragon opposite – its reflected messiah (reminding us of the Egyptian god Sebek, the crocodile ‘musuh’).

This ‘holy trinity’ of harmonics in coherent vibration can be illustrated as:

• 3 squared is 9, creating a 2-dimensional resonating surface, and

• 9 squared is 81, creating a 3-dimensional resonating space.

So, when we divide (split) a 2-dimensional surface by a 3-dmensional space, we can ‘resonate out’ the fundamental (same as 1 or ‘Unity’) into an infinite number of copies of itself. In modern physics this is called heterodyning.

• 9 / 81 = .11111111111…

To a wise harmonic adept in ancient times, this would be how God (Unity) might reproduce himself here on Earth within a given long count cycle. Acting as a kind of resonant portal in space and time, the proportion 11 would be the most likely point when God would enter and incarnate. So, if 5,126 years represents a true natural cycle in our solar system and galaxy, then a mid-term harmonic proportion of 1,100 would have signaled to the priests that a new messiah was about to arrive.

As a side note, the proportion 1/81 resonates out all of the numbers (sans the octave 8) as 0.012345679 (…) and is even found in the inner dimensions of 15th-century Rosslyn chapel in Scotland, making it acoustically perfect. While I go into this in much more detail in my book Interference: A Grand Scientific Musical Theory, all of these natural proportions of resonance do exist in any form of vibrating standing wave (music, atoms, planets, people) and was clearly known to the ancients. This is why the number 8 is considered so lucky by the Chinese and why their temples are built in resonant rings of 3, 9, 18 and 81.

But even with all this, there are more correlations of 11 to further suggest a harmonic connection between the Mayan and Gregorian calendars.

The time of day when the Mayan calendar ends is December 21, 2012 at 11:11AM. This is equal to 671 minutes from midnight and, when taken as a proportion of an entire Gregorian calendar day of 24 * 60 = 1,440 minutes, is equal to 0.465. This is significant because it is the exact same proportion we find in 1,100 to 5,126 years, equal to 0.465 by one order of magnitude!

That’s right – the beginning of our present-day Gregorian calendar is proportional to the Mayan calendar long count cycle in exactly the same way 11:11AM is proportional to the cycle of one Gregorian day! In short, the 11-proportion is found in both the year and time of day marking the end of the Mayan calendar.

I know these are a lot of numbers to digest and it can be a little confusing, but the math and physics of harmonics do seem to point to the probability that our calendar was based on the same long count as the Mayan calendar and that an ancient understanding of natural harmonics based on the number 11 was used as a proportion to predict the appearance of a new solar deity – the Christian messiah.

Now, whether this was a case of harmonic theories hiding behind the mystery of prophecy, stirring up the demand for a new god king, or evidence of natural cycles somehow imposing change on society is still an open question. And of course, some would say either case illustrates how God can intercede in human affairs. But regardless of what you think, no one can deny that the result was the same.

The fact is, for good or for ill a complete reinvention of society began some 2012 years ago at an 11 proportion and the same thing may be happening again. Who knows, maybe those ancient calendar makers were ‘seeing elevens’ just like so many seem to be seeing today.
