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Tom Cruise - Numerology Life Path 1

Tom Cruise Life Path 1Tom Cruise (IMDB link) has long been one of Hollywood’s iconic stars, delivering hit movies and winning numerous awards during his storied career. Some of his more well-known works are Mission: Impossible, Risky Business and Top Gun; three Academy Awards were nominated and multiple Golden Globes awarded over that span.

Tom can be seen to epitomize the traits of a Life Path 1. His constant drive to push forward beyond the bounds of what people consider to be reasonably possible has provided him with a life like no other.

Born on June 3rd, 1962 Thomas Cruise Mapother IV wanted to be a priest until the acting bug hit him while in high-school.

Life Path 1

The Life Path 1 is one of leadership and trailblazing, and Tom Cruise is no exception to those traits of a Life Path 1. Tom is almost always the leading role, and is also credited as Producer on the Mission Impossible franchise. Life Path 1’s are also know to do things their own way and create innovation by stirring up the pot. It is said that he trained for a year to do the 25,000 ft. Halo Jump in Mission Impossible Fallout.

Expression Number 6

The expression number is based on the name that you go by because it has a certain vibration that resonates with you. Tom’s birth name Thomas Cruise Mapother IV had him as an Expression Number 8 (a person with the power and potential to achieve great things), but by going with the shortened Tom Cruise he is an Expression Number 6 (a person who is loving and caring with a tendency to put the needs of others first). Also a person who is highly creative with a tendency to be creative in regards to the visual aspect… Like Movies!

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In Numerology, your Life Path Number is considered the most important indicator of your life, and is the easiest number in your whole Numerology Chart to calculate.

The Life Path Number will tell you what traits or skills you posses, and what major life challenges you may see along the way.

Feel free to calculate your number using the calculator, and come back here for an in-depth explanation on how your life path was calculated.
