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Shadow People
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Shadow People

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I saw a dark shadow person the other night standing in doorway. I hear footsteps every now and then going down my hallway. Does cleansing a house with sage help?

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I can't say for sure, but I don't think it would hurt.

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Mmh i have the same thing happen to me alot

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I too, have shadow people/ apparitions/ smog like figures following me around. This has been happening most of my life and have come accustomed to the presence. I believe there to be 2 individual figures. 1 of a feminine adulthood nature and structure and the other more childish 6 - 8 year range. Time and location doesn't bother them, they just seem to follow me around, always through out my life. They have never opposed a threat or physically harmed me, but did make my childhood abit hard trying to prove what i was seeing to others. At the start, when i was a toddler, I was considered just to have a creative mind with imaginary friends. To pre teen accused with vision and sight impairment. Then to mid teens accuse with psychological and mental health disorder. Please don't think im a crazy nutter, my only problem I will admit, is being honest and concerned about they're presence. , while i was growing up. I stopped discussing them with others, just to save myself grace and peace of mind of trying to prove and justify their existence. Believe me if you will, choose not to if you don't believe in a other worldly existance then our own.

A couple of years back now, my mother in idle conversation one day admitted seeing a constant apparition around my cot when i was a new born. At the time she choosen not to believe or accept what she had seen. She has turned her religious believes towards Spiritualism and has become acceptable to a Greater Devine Existance. My wife is constantly saying she is seeing human like figures around the house. My daughter will not go anywhere with out all the lights on by herself and states she sees a little boy running around sometimes. I do openly discuss this with her from time to time to re assure her they mean no harm. But things do and will happen to myself without a justifiable and logical explanation. Objects falling, loud noises, items moved or replaced. Every bird at pet stores will general hiss at me, friends parrots would attack me if out of their cage when i'd enter rooms. About 2 months back, for about 10 days straight, i was constantly getting a tugging sensation on my clothes, like that of a small child would produce. At work in the middle of a shed, in the car, at the shopping mall. But there was never anything around me for my clothes to get caught or pulled on or from. Like i stated before, believe in what im admitting, it really has been along time since ive shared this openly with anyone, let alone in a forum. Or you cqn tell me im full of it. Just remember this is happening to me, and they're not bothering or letting themselves be known to you. At least i know something or someone has and is watching my back and looking over my shoulder throughout my life

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i have seen a big man standing in a dark room watching me. he follows me around the house showing up in various places. my name is Aaron and i want to ask if there is anything this guy can do to hurt me or the other people in the house. only i can see this guy and it is only in the corner of my eye and when i go to look at him head on there is nobody there.

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I keep seeing a big shadow watching me in the corner of my eye. When i go to look at it head on it is gone.My name is Aaron and i am starting to get freaked out. Can whatever i am seeing hurt me or my family members? if so what do i do? HELP PLEASE!!!!

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I've seen a Shadow person. It was night and I was getting around for bed with my door shut. Next thing I know my door is opened almost al the way and I saw him. Behind him was pitch black but some how he was darker than that, and he had one glowing red eye in the middle of his head/forehead. I looked straight at him and blinked and he was gone. That was so far the only time I've seen anything like that. Can anyone tell me if that is it and he's gone and'or how to fine out?

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it is not gone and i don't think it would do any harm to you. MR. Man (my dark dude just sits there and watches me. i tried to communicate but it just sits there in the corner of my eye. i don't know about it closing doors or anything but keep your eyes out.

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I have also seen shadow people and an animal who I think may have been my beloved dog who I thought the world of, he died a few days before I saw the black shadow of an animal. Animal because it was lower down near the floor.rn I lived in a 17 Century house for 12 and half years and always saw shadow people quite frequently. Not necessary shaped like a person but black tall shadows. They never bothered me and I never told my family as I didn't want to disturb them. It was a very happy home when we lived there for 12 and half years and I loved living there, it was my dream home. I dont see them any more now we have moved to a newer home. I just felt very calm when I saw them, they didn't bother me but made me realise that there is something after death!

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Oh, don't be afraid of the shadows. Spend some time in a room with more shadows than light. Hold your hands out like a bowl full of shadows. Learn to pour them from one hand into the other. In bright day, watch the shadows of cars drive by, or the shadows of trees across the road. Shadows are a place to rest your eyes. Sooner or later you will see one move. Any your mind will try to imagine the creature that cast the shadow. But in that situation, the creature is what you saw and whatever you are imagining is the shadow it cast.

1) fright is a jolt of intense awareness - it is like a wave on which you surf.

2) when you master fear you see clearly - it is so wonderful you become blinded by it.

3) go beyond your clarity - that is where the real danger lies.

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The best thing to do to get rid of the shadow figure and or Ghosts is to have a Pastor/Clergy, and another Member of a Baptist Church Pray in your house to tell the Ghost it doesn't live there, and it needs to go away. I know of a Church building, not the Main Sanctuary, but one of the Buildings at a Church here in Ventura, Ca. had a Haunting, they had it prayed for in the building by Pastors, and it went away and never came back. 🙂

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I don't think they can hurt you

Or anyone else in your Family.

I know the feeling though.

The best thing to do is call a local Christian Church, and have him/her, and one or more other people Pray in your House. Prayer Works if you have Faith in God(Christ Jesus). Jesus was just a Man, but he was a VERY Special Man, he was God in Carnate who came as a Man to not only save humanity spiritually from our Sins, Heal Sickness, Diseases, and Wounds, but also to experience life to fully understand the Human condition. John 3:16 KJV
