I'm curious to know how often people view their horoscope and how much weight they put on it.
I've heard of some news papers just pulling horoscopes from a drawer full of different slips of paper and just publishing them. Other times I've read horoscopes that were dead on with me.
What has been your experiences?'
I use to years ago when we use to get a daily paper. Haven't done it since I've been online surprisingly.
Interestingly, I used to read mine online regularly. Then I introduced it to a friend and now she reads hers (and mine) regularly and I haven't been. I have always liked the Horoscopes Susan Miller writes. Who's do you read?
I use to when news papers were popular. Then I heard from a friend who worked at a news paper printing company that they would just select a new horoscope randomly from a draw. Since most people don't read more than 2 signs, they could repeat them after a few months and no one would notice.
I have a very interesting story of my whole life 🙂 When it comes down to it i have escaped death and been around the hardest times a lot of people can think of. Either way i have had a good life of loving people around and and is a true believe in the magic of the world. also, i agree we all put ourselves in our own positions in life. If anyone wants to hear about my story i am fully open to whoever wants to know. I also want someone to get to know me. I am a upcoming entrepreneur and have a interesting life path. If you can ask me questions on remembering my blessings and troubles in life would be really great for my self awareness.
I read horoscope weekly, for me it is interesting to know about the future. I know most of time predication are not true but I am always curious to know what will be the next 😉
hi everyonernim new to this site and am into astrology and numerology. i saw this post and i do read my horoscope daily. i think the vedic system is best though as i find it more accurate . it is amazing what you can find from a birth chart in vedic.