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Weekly astrology forecast- week of 8/24-8/30

Aug 24, 2015

***all times are PDT***

monday august 24th-
the first aspect of the day and week occurs at 3:25am when mercury in virgo contraparallels the north node in libra, energetically aligning the conscious mind and intellect with the evolutionary north node of destiny and growth. this week mercury and the north node will align by declination (today) and degree (on saturday)- creating a super aspect between these two and bringing in very important communications, connections, information and awarenesses that can positively alter our life path, purpose and Soul’s trajectory. mercury will cross over the celestial equator this week- so mercury will contra parallel the north node AND parallel the north node (exact on thursday). with both mercury and the north node on or near the celestial equator we have a fine pointed focus on truth, destiny, evolution and growth. this light can be clear but also perhaps harsh if it happens to shine a Light on what we have been avoiding dealing with, looking at or addressing. the Light of Truth can cut away illusion, delusion and self-deception and is really positive for the Spirit and Soul (although maybe not so great for overblown ego). paying close attention this week to the mind, thoughts, ideas, conversations, communication and information coming to Light is very important for our evolutionary path!

mean black moon lilith moves out of virgo and into libra at 9:34pm, shifting the fierce, Dark Feminine’s focus from earth to air, body to mind, inward direction to outward/other direction. BML in libra is focused on relationships and balance of give and take, self and other. ultimately the journey with BML is to find and center ourselves in our power. the wounded expressions of the Dark Feminine comes out as giving away our power (and becoming victims) or lording our power over others (and becoming tyrants). we are challenged to move beyond these polarizations so that we can anchor into our power and emanate out into the world from this empowered place. with BML in libra empowerment comes through the navigation of relationships. others are mirrors for us- those we are drawn to as well as those we are repelled by. opportunities to see and own our shadow, Light, power and weakness come via relationships with others. BML is a fiercely independent Goddess, and yet libra is the sign of relationship. the coming 9+ months of BML’s journey through libra challenges us to find balance between blazing our own path and connecting with or committing to others in ways that promote growth and evolution. (more on BML into libra and the BML/NN conjunction will be written on the astrology blog later in the year)

mercury in virgo parallels retrograde chiron in pisces at 11:03pm, aligning the mind and the Wounded Healer. opportunities for healing come via self-awareness, communication, discernment and commitment to Truth. being willing to see where we have been intentionally delusional, deceptive, out of integrity or dishonest with ourselves and others can ultimately be healing- if we can get through the shame, guilt and desire to numb out that first comes when we get confronted by all that is out of alignment in our lives. taking time to do this deep work is recommended this week as much can be cleared if we are willing to really move into and through it first!

tuesday august 25th-
at 7:16am mercury in virgo contraparallels mean black moon lilith who just moved into her new home sign of libra yesterday. conversation, communication, insight, ideas and information can come in around our relationship to power, shadow, magic and the more hidden side of life today and this week!

sun in virgo quincunxes the south node in aries and semisextiles the north node in libra at 3:10pm, echoing the same aspects that jupiter made with the nodes a few days ago. sun/south node challenges us to be discriminating and discerning about our own shadow and past life karmas and patterns. yet we need to do this in balance, fairness and with awareness of ourselves and others. too much criticism and judgement can be severing- while too much making nice and wanting everything to be beautiful and smooth on the surface ignores the depths. the sun/nodal contact today can help us to go deeper without losing sight of the goal: finding win/win situations for all involved (very north node in libra!)

mercury crosses the celestial equator today and as such he aspects mean black moon lilith twice! this morning he contraparlleled her and late this evening at 11:40pm he parallels BML, bringing a pointed focus to our relationship with the Dark Goddess within ourselves as well as in our outer life. the Dark Goddess in her highest, integrated form is pure power, insight, wisdom and embodiment. yet we typically have a journey to get to a whole expression of her and on that journey we navigate through wounded expressions of the Dark Goddess: being the victim and being the tyrant. the victim gives away her power or feels it has been taken from her and internalizes rage which leads to depression and illness- while the tyrant lords her power over others and overtly expresses rage and tries to sexually, financially and emotionally control the masculine. everyone has the victim and tyrant in their chart somewhere and the key is to face them both and do the healing work necessary so we can come back into balance with our empowered, embodied Dark Goddess within. this week with BML in strong focus all week long- we have amazing opportunities to further our journey on this path of healing and see/own what we need to so that we resolve what holds us back and hinders us from moving forward in life.

wednesday august 26th-
mercury in virgo contraparallels retrograde chiron in pisces at 6:25am, echoing the parallel aspect these two made on monday of this week. mercury/chiron aspects align the mind and the Wounded Healer and bring opportunities for healing via self-awareness, communication, discernment and commitment to Truth. being willing to see where we have been intentionally delusional, deceptive, out of integrity or dishonest with ourselves and others can ultimately be healing- if we can get through the shame, guilt and desire to numb out that first comes when we get confronted by all that is out of alignment in our lives. taking time to do this deep work is recommended this week as much can be cleared if we are willing to really move into and through it first! this is also a great aspect for healing communication with others. yet we need to be aware that chiron can also bring up much old wounds and pain and we want to navigate this consciously otherwise communication can become very wounding towards ourselves and others.

mercury in virgo sextiles saturn in scorpio at 9:08am, aligning the conscious mind and intellect with the planet of mastery, maturity and karma. mercury/saturn is a great aspect for research, delving and getting to the bottom of things. we are supported in being serious and focused- and we can have very real talks with others right now. this is a harmonious aspect but being aware of the tendency to be overly perfectionist, judgmental and shadow focused with virgo, saturn and scorpio configured is key right now.

the sun cojoins jupiter in virgo at 3:02pm- making the first personal planet activation (by conjunction) of jupiter in his new home sign of virgo! the sun can shine a Light right now on the gifts that jupiter in virgo has for us and bring them to consciousness. sun/jupiter assist us in wanting to grow, expand, learn and explore. with both bodies in jupiter we are interested in being of service, inner growth and doing our work. sun/jupiter is great for feeling optimistic and believing in ourselves today! (be sure to give thanks and be grateful for the gifts in your life- as that creates space for more to come in!)

thursday august 27th-
mercury in virgo parallels the north node in libra at 1:14am, echoing the contra parallel aspect these two made on monday. on saturday mercury and the north node will align by degree- so all week long we have a powerful super aspect unfolding between the conscious mind and intellect with the evolutionary north node of destiny and growth. this can bring in very important communications, connections, information and awarenesses that can positively alter our life path, purpose and Soul’s trajectory. mercury has crossed over the celestial equator this week- which is why mercury contra parallelled the north node AND parallelled the north node (a rare experience). with both mercury and the north node on or near the celestial equator we have a fine pointed focus on truth, destiny, evolution and growth. this light can be clear but also perhaps harsh if it happens to shine a Light on what we have been avoiding dealing with, looking at or addressing. the Light of Truth can cut away illusion, delusion and self-deception and is really positive for the Spirit and Soul (although maybe not so great for an overblown or underdeveloped ego). paying close attention this week to the mind, thoughts, ideas, conversations, communication and information coming to Light is very important for our evolutionary path!

mercury moves out of virgo and into libra at 8:44am, shifting the conscious mind and intellect from earth to air, body to mind, feminine to masculine. mercury in libra is focused on communicating from a place of peace, harmony and balance. this is a great placement for talking about relationships and finding places to meet in the middle (compromise). the coming couple of months as mercury travels through libra are a great time to focus on, think about and share our Truth in our relationships. we just need to be aware of the shadow side of libra: so much fear of arguments and ugliness that we put up with things or sweet things under the carpet so that we can have peace and beauty only on the surface. mercury will station retrograde in libra mid-september- so these libra lessons of communication will be with us for a while. pay attention to what is coming up for you early on so you can tune into what this coming mercury retrograde will ask of you!

mercury cojoins mean black moon lilith who just moved into libra a few days ago at 2:33pm. with the mind and intellect aligned with the Fierce Dark Feminine- we can have major insights, intuitions, dreams and awarenesses come in that we should pay attention to. being able to see into the depths is a gift of BML- but libra prefers not to go there and wants to see the Light and beauty. navigating between both of these realms in true libran balance is called for. if we deny the shadow we can find it coming at us from people or situations in our lives today. on the other hand, if we dive into the Dark Goddess energies without awareness of other people’s feelings and needs we can find intense situations arise in communication with others today.

friday august 28th-
the only major aspect today is exact at 10:09am when mars in leo contraparallels saturn in scorpio- creating tension and friction between the will, warrior and drive and the planet of restriction, discipline, mastery and karma. the positive use of this energy can be harnessed when we discipline our desires and channel our will and utilize it in masterful, responsible ways. yet the shadow side is that mars in leo wants to do what he wants to do and saturn comes along and repressed, restricts and constricts his capacity to act. this can result in frustration, irritation, stuckness and depression. finding ways to take action that are guided by the Higher Self versus the lower self is key today.

saturday august 29th-
mars in leo quincunxes retrograde pluto in capricorn at 3:28am, creating tension and friction between the lower will and the Higher Will. the Highest expression of mars and pluto are aligning the lower will with the Higher Will so that we are taking action from a place that is guided by Spirit and Soul- rather than ego. when we access this level of mars/pluto we can literally move mountains and make things happen! yet this is a tense aspect and it can create conflict between the ego and Higher Self- within ourselves or in relationships with others. power/control dynamics can ensue and under worldly behavior can result. being able to see where we need to let go of controlling others or allowing others to control us can be healing and transformative- albeit intense- today.

mercury in libra cojoins the north node in libra at 4:19am, bringing in evolutionary information, communication, ideas or connections today! an interesting convergence of mercury, black moon lilith and the north node has been in effect the last few days- activating the tail end of the nodes transiting through libra and aries (north and south respectively). in september the nodes will move into virgo and pisces (the nodes always move in retrograde motion- so they go backward through the signs)- so these aspects to the nodes can bring in a closing of a chapter that began getting written 19 months ago when the nodes first moved into libra and aries. the north node in libra brings growth and evolution via connection, relationship, compromise and seeking balance between self and other, give and take. paying attention to information, connections or communications had today can be very insightful and can help you understand the journey of the last 19 months. opportunities to connect, collaborate, compromise and be in relationship with others in way that helps us grow and evolve should be embraced today!

the super full moon in pisces is exact at 11:35am, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in leo on august 14th. that new moon was conjunct venus retrograde and square saturn- highlighting a major theme of the current venus retrograde cycle which is about facing shadow and shit in Love and money situations. saturn’s heavy hand influences this whole entire lunar cycle- and this midpoint full moon in pisces adds another dimension to that. the sun is in virgo conjunct jupiter- bringing us a great desire to grow, see our stuff, discern Truth and serve others. the sun/jupiter conjunction is opposite the full moon in pisces conjunct neptune- which at best can bring in an idealism, mysticism or romanticism into the mix. but the shadow side of pisces is denial, delusion, illusion and deception. with oppositions we can tend to vacillate between extremes- and if we are seeing and discerning too much shadow and shit in ourselves or others that is hard to hand- we may default to pisces desire to check out and pretend things aren’t what they really are. this opposite is square to saturn- forming a T-square between sun, moon, jupiter, saturn and neptune. sun and moon are conscious self and unconscious, while jupiter and saturn are the teacher planets- one teaches by growth and expansion and the other by pruning and contraction. neptune is the planet of dissolution and the Unconscious. this T-square full moon can be super intense with lots of emotions and feelings and shadows and Unconscious material arising. the key is in focusing all that arises within so we can use of this stuff and have it illuminate the inner aspects of self we need to see. if we just stay stuck in projecting it outwards we will miss the best use of this full moon (and of saturn in the last degrees of scorpio). for more in-depth information on this full moon check the lunar insight posted a week or so before the lunation is exact.

sunday august 30th-
the only major aspect today is exact at 11:59pm when mercury in libra semisextiles jupiter in virgo, aligning the conscious mind and intellect in it’s new home sign of libra with the Greater Benefic planet of expansion, growth and positivity. with mercury just separating from conjunction with the evolutionary north node and then linking up with positive, growth oriented jupiter- there are amazing ideas, connections and information coming in right now that can when embraced and made use of can positively contribute to major growth and significant shifts to new levels of being and doing in our lives right now. embracing opportunities to grow, travel, learn, explore and align the lower mind with the Higher Mind is highly recommended this week!

have a blessed week ahead…

~divine harmony

p.s. the north node alignment with both mercury and black moon lilith aligns with the 1st degree of libra- which is the position of the super galactic center (not the galactic center which is at 26-27 sagittarius but the SUPER galactic center also known as M-87 which is at 1 libra). according to astrology philip sedgwick the SGC has a mass of 30 trillion suns and it is a black hole that devours everything in sight. a black hole may sound ominous and destructive- but actually black holes are portals into other dimensions. this week we have a profound capacity to find portals that an dramatically take us from one point of awareness in our lives and into another, more expanded one. for each person this will play out differently depending upon where they are at on their path. the key is in being open as resisting growth, controlling our experience out of fear or avoiding looking at/dealing with all the shadow that comes to Light when we approach a black hole/portal experience will ultimately not serve and will just hold us back from the evolution we seek. keep that in mind this week! it’s a potent one 🙂

© Divine Harmony

Divine Harmony

I am a student of the mysteries of life. Astrology is my first love followed by depth psychology. I am currently in a doctorate program of depth psychology which has led me to the path I am on now. I am drawn to anything esoteric- astrology, alchemy, shamanism, wicca, etc... I am also passionate about symbolism, archetypes, dreams and images. I know that I am here for reasons beyond my own personal existence and I have just begun to take the first steps on the path to make that my focus in life. I was first introduced to astrology twelve years ago and it quickly became a life-long love affair. Since then I have done correspondence courses on astrology, taken local classes in my community, attended astrology conferences and meetup groups, and devoured every book on astrology that I could get my hands on. It wasn't until I started grad school that I began to realize that my hobby was truly a calling and a life path, and for this I am very grateful. My one wish for humanity is to open the heart chakras of everyone on the planet. I hope to assist as many people as I can in healing their bodies, minds and souls as I journey on this same path of healing for myself. I believe that astrology can be a powerful tool for self-knowledge and healing and I hope to share that with the world. Namaste, Divine Harmony
