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Finding Truth

Jul 30, 2015

Blessed Being, in these unprecedented times of change you are growing your spiritual, connected nature rapidly. You are finding your path of connection to the heart, expanding the mind and becoming more whole and interactive with your world. As you Find Your Truth, it often means releasing a mistruth, a half-truth, a misperception or a harmful truth. A harmful truth is one that may have evidence, but has no value in your evolution. Truth has a density, a manifestation to it that effects life. Proof comes in many different forms. Your focus, your response and your choice gives it weight in your vibration. When a truth is helpful to you, that density gives you a grounded foundation to build upon. But you must keep building. If you lived in a valley and no one had ever been outside of the valley, there would be no truth of existence beyond the mountains. It could be nothingness, the world stops at the mountains. If you eventually climbed atop the mountains and realized that there is life beyond the valley, a new truth has been built upon your old foundation of truth. One could then assume that the world stops at the end of the horizon, as far as they eyes can see. As you now know, this was an experience that was real to humanity for a time. 

Truth is not always visible, and what is visible is not always the whole truth. 
Allow your evidence to change easily. If you hold tightly to your evidence, you resist change. Your peace with your truth and with change allows your evolution to proceed more gently and rapidly. Observe what you hold as truth. How do you perceive your situations, your structures like government, religions and economics? How could you build upon your foundation of truth that exists in the moment and see beyond the mountain that blocks a greater truth? If there is life beyond the mountain, perhaps there is a solution for your life challenges that you just can’t quite see yet. A new truth. Residing there all along, just awaiting your ability to see it. You must build upon your own truth to find it. Perhaps another can show you, but seeing is not believing; believing is believing. What truths do you believe? You must seek to find. As we sit to Blast Finding Truth, we are building upon the past as the foundation of strength that creates a new future. We are coming to terms with our challenges and using them as a focal point of opportunity to find a path that better suits current flow. We are releasing resistance, appreciating our own pace of change as the world adjusts to the transformation that is calling for more internal power. We are finding the path of least resistance, just as nature does, for the truth of change can flow easier with the patient strength of Love evolving Life. Blast on!

2005-2013 Jamye Price, All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

Jamye Price

Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel and teacher. She channels Light Language, which are universal language codes that your heart and infinite mind speak fluently. Light Language works like a stem cell, it is Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light that adjust to your needs in each moment as guided by your Higher Self. When Jamye is running healing frequencies, she speaks and signs Light Language, tones, emotes, and physically clears imbalances through Divine Grace. Jamye's work assists with transmuting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks into wisdom, compassion and empowerment. She teaches self-love, forgiveness and finding a perspective of Love to provide people with practical tools for Soul Progression and creating a joyful life. Jamye's passion is Ascension - bringing people to the understanding of the Truth of who they are; cherished, powerful and brilliant Divine Humans, interconnected with All Life. Jamye offers private sessions by phone, group sessions and classes, Light Language healing CDs and a free Monthly Newsletter and Weekly LightBlast to help assist Lightworkers on their Divine Path. For more information visit
