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What’s The Use?

Bill White

No matter what stage you’re at in life, getting clear on your purpose serves to bring meaning and direction. In our adolescence we struggle to define ourselves and frequently don’t come to any real sense of identity until our mid-twenties. As we age, we often begin to identify ourselves with the roles we adopt and the priorities we set.

Yet, we struggle when we find ourselves in the midst of great change, seeking direction as the old falls away and the new begins.

Perhaps you’re a young adult, just embarking on your first real journey into adult life, seeking your career path, perhaps your first real relationship, or establishing your sense of independence.

Perhaps you’re a bit older and at a crossroads like divorce or becoming a parent for the first time. Maybe still you’ve just watched your children leave home for college and the empty nest has created a vacuum of space you haven’t the slightest idea how to fill. No matter where you are in life, you will find that the need for vision and meaning can be overwhelmingly important yet often set aside.

In times of crisis, it is not at all uncommon to find yourself asking the ‘big’ questions like, ‘Why am I here?’ or ‘What is the meaning of my life?’ Have you ever wondered why we tend to only ask these questions when our world seems to be crumbling around us? There are many people who would tell you that you can be anything you want, do anything you want or even have anything you want, and while this may be true, isn’t it most important to be and do what you were meant to?

I’m going to discuss with you here how to set out on a journey to discover exactly that.

I don’t want to mislead and have you believing that you’ll experience and all-at-once ‘aha’ moment where you’ll immediately know precisely what your purpose is. It would be dishonest and downright insulting to presume that anyone could grant you this or that it would be so simple to comprehend. In all of my studies and research, what I have found is that you discover your purpose throughout your life, refining and redefining, solving the question like a mystery or a puzzle. Purpose is not about one single defining moment of time. If it were, we’d very likely live a much shorter life than we do, and it seems as our technology improves quite the opposite is beginning to be common place.

No, to discover our purpose IS the journey itself. Along the way, we interact and assist one another toward just that purpose. Our lives are built by many connections in both space and time, with people, places and things. The Norse describe it being like a spider’s web, each strand a single person’s destiny, yet crossing many others. This ‘web of Wyrd’ as they call it, is woven like a tapestry playing out the stories of our lives.

To be most effective, we must learn to live by faith and revel in the glory that our life is an unfolding saga. Each of us assumes the many roles on the stage of life to learn and grow and become all we are meant to be. We are given both purpose and free will to use as we will, thus allowing us to become the most or the least we can ever be, depending on how we use our time and resources.

So then how do we begin finding the clues?

  • We can look at our lives so far and remember the moments that had the greatest impact or when we made the greatest impact on those around us. What were those defining moments for you at this stage of life?
  • Who had the most profound influence on you?
  • Who did you influence? In what ways did those events change you? What skills did you develop as a result?
  • What areas of specialized knowledge did these moments inspire you to explore? When we begin this process of reflection, it is amazing how often we can find that these moments conspired to lead us to a next step in our personal evolution.
  • What talents do you have? Where do you shine? What can you contribute to the world that doesn’t feel like work?
  • What do you do right now, that you would do without any expectation of pay or reward?
  • Who or what is important to you? Why?
  • What ’causes’ do you feel passionate about?
  • What moral standards do you believe in so strongly that even the threat of death wouldn’t make you compromise?

Asking these questions, and considering how your actions in life so far have supported them will inevitably reveal some clues for you.

What is most amazing is that as you begin this process of personal exploration, if you’ll simply state the intention that you intend to begin taking your purpose seriously, and that you will strive to live out your purpose, you will find your entire world beginning to restructure around you. Synchronicity will begin to flow as you begin taking action towards your purpose. When you pursue your purpose, you are flowing with the fabric of the web. Opportunities present themselves in amazing ways.

Rather than resisting reality, and working hard to manifest the things we decide we want, we instead seek to flow with our purpose and allow things to manifest as we need them.

Often I’m asked if that means we can’t have the things we want, and my answer is that in order to fulfill your purpose and have the things you want, which is truly the best of both worlds, it requires you to focus on what the reason of wanting those things is in the first place.

Once you can see how the things you desire can be assets to you in your pursuit of your purpose, they become justifiable and the strength of your manifesting ability will grow exponentially.

Life can either happen to you or you can make it happen. You can rise to your highest good or settle into your mediocrity. Which will you choose?

Bill White

Bill White was born in 1969, and adopted by the people who became his family in that same year. At the age of ten, his parents separated, and five members of his family died, including his beloved grandmother, who passed away in the presence of 10-year-old Bill on Christmas Day, 1979. At an age when most young people are riding their bikes, playing baseball, and not worrying about much other than their homework, Bill had already come face to face with that question, 'What is the use?' He immersed himself in a study of ancient and modern philosophical, theological and metaphysical traditions from throughout the world, seeking an answer to that question. Bill's study continues to this day. The body of his work provides the seeker with a much needed synthesis of the various traditions available, and more than that, offers very practical applications of a vast amount of esoteric knowledge. It is this combination of learning and living his philosophy, with an appreciation of all cultures and systems, that makes synchronicity an essential topic, and Bill White the teacher for our times. Bill shares his life experiences to motivate and inspire audiences. A somewhat mystical story of overcoming, his keynote and motivational presentations include topics on dreams, synchronicity, power animals, how to turn conflicts into opportunities and how to live out your destiny by decoding life's secret messages. Having a unique ability to teach individuals how to interpret the seeming coincidences that occur in their lives and leverage that insight into a more successful and meaningful life experience, Bill inspires others to take responsibility for choosing their own path and to believe in the guidance available directly to them from the universe. As a true synchronicity expert, Bill is passionate about assisting others to decipher life's secret messages and achieve the greatness they were meant to achieve. Bill is an internationally recognized speaker who captivates his audiences with his stories, weaves in the valuable lessons he has learned from the universe along the way, and warms their hearts with a pastoral style of compassion. He focuses his energy to present action oriented and transformative information in a polished style. Bill's rapidly growing international audience comes from several sources including the following: As a highly successful life coach, Bill has worked with such high profile clients as Mike Litman, bestselling author of Conversations with Millionaires; marketing guru, Stephen Pierce; and virtual marketing pioneer, Johan Mok. Bill's monthly magazine Synchronicity In Your Life reaches an audience of 35,000+ people. Bill joined such well known personalities as Jack Canfield and John Gray as a contributing author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life: Volume 2 as well co-authored Enthusiasm Day by Day with Flemish psychologist, Ineke Van Lint.
