Those who have followed my writings may have stumbled on an article entitled The Harmonic Messiah. In it I found calendar evidence that Jesus was probably prophesied as a new serpent deity due to replace Bacchus / Dionysus. This was deduced from his birth year apparently timed to occur within an eleven proportion of a 5125-year Venus cycle (one-fifth of the Zodiacal year or World Cycle) and this then corresponding to the eleventh harmonic as a physical symbol of opposition in nature. Curiously, this very same harmonic, the tritone, was named Diabolus in Musica by the Catholic Church and was forbidden in canon law.
As follow-on from that, here is an article that summarizes a number of sources I’ve been studying that appear to confirm Jesus was likely considered by many in his day to be a serpent deity descended from a long tradition in India, Egypt, Babylonia, Greece and Rome (also read this book). In Rome at the time of Jesus it was Roman Bacchus descended from Greek Dionysus, the god of wine and intoxication. Also known as the ”Green Man,’ and often depicted with serpentine grapevines growing out of his mouth, his intoxication included the use of hallucinogenic plants, such as DMT-laced acacia bushes found throughout the Mediterranean to induce religious visions (see this post about the Vaticenia). Entheogenic wine, serpent venom & blood and the worship of serpents have a long shamanic tradition for healing body and spirit around the world. As an adept of the Essene mystery school – a branch of the Hebrew Serpents of Wisdom – Jesus was likely such a shaman (read this scholarly paper).

With the additional symbolism of the Biblical Marys as the feminine presence of God from Meri (the sea), and thus descended from the Mount Meru (heaven) legend of the Hindu Vedas, it seems more certain than ever that Jesus was intended to inherit the role of Bacchus or Green Man, as well as many other Egyptian, Sumerian and Indian serpent deities. As if to confirm this, the Green Man is carved all over Rosslyn chapel as the most prominent feature left behind by the St. Clair family. They seem to be telling the world that Christianity was originally a hallucinogenic serpent cult descended from the ancient Vedic belief of divine asuras or serpents who dance on the heavenly summit of Mount Meru.
Here are some famous paintings showing the Green Man Bacchus as the serpent bearer. Arabic Ophiuchus (the new thirteenth astrological sign) and Greek Bacchus / the Green Man are one and the same, descended from Asclepius (the medical Caduceus) and Egyptian Pharoah Akhenaton. More about this on this site.

There is a further symbolic link between Mary Magdaline and the serpent. The last name of ‘Magdaline’ means ‘woman from Magdala’ and the word ‘Magdala’ means tower. So, Magdaline means ‘woman of the tower’ which, when combined with Meru as Mary, would mean ‘woman of the tower Meru.’ Mount Meru was often depicted as a tower in Vedic illustrations and described as being inhabited by serpent deities. (see here)
The most popular explanation for Magdala is a fishing village on the sea of Galilee named Magdala, a place where Jesus was supposed to have preached. Another possibility is a city/fort in Ethiopia named Magdala, which Scotsman Robert Napier captured in the 19th-century. He must have believed this was connected to the Biblical story because he renamed it to ‘Amba Mariam,’ meaning ‘compassionate mother Mary.’ But there is one other possibility from which these two villages may have received their name and where Mary Magdaline might have actually been born.
The Magadha kingdom (684-424 BC) was the largest Indian empire in the centuries leading up to the birth of Jesus, stretching across the entire Indian subcontinent as the Mauryan Empire. The Maurya tribes there worshipped Hindu serpent deities, the greatest one being named Naga Swastika. Now, I have to wonder, assuming this Mary existed at all, if she might have been a Hindu Vaticenia oracle, like those who once lived on Vatican Hill and drank entheogenic Vatika wine to produce visions. Jesus could have easily met her and brought her back during his recorded ministry in India with Thomas. Whether true fact or of mythological design, the story of Mary, the ‘woman of the tower Meru,’ could have been associated with the sacred feminine persona of Vena (Venus) in Vedic cosmology, said to hover over and protect Mount Meru with its serpent gods and city of gold.
Magadha was not only the name of a kingdom, but the name of a caste. There would have been some importance back then for any ‘son of God’ to have a wife from this kingdom. According to the caste system, the son begotten by a Vaisya (‘a trader or one born of his own nature’), upon a woman of the highest Brahmana order is called a Magadha. The child would automatically be in the highest caste of nobility. Could this be the real significance of Mary Magdaline?
Read more about Magadha here.
It is asserted by some that the name Moriya or Maurya (as in the Mauryan Empire of Magadha) comes from the Mor (Modern name Koh-i-Mor i.e. Mor hill—alleged to be the ancient Meru of the classical writings) located in the Paropamisade region between river Kunar and Swat in the land of Ashvakas (This name, however, refers to the Meru mountain of Chitral, Tirich Mir; there also is a Deva-Meru, modern Diamar). It is claimed that since Chandragupta Maurya could have belonged to Mor he was called Moriya or Maurya after his motherland. Read more about this here.
Footnote about Entheogenic drugs and religion: In the cults of Zoroaster there is represented the chalice with a flame. The same flaming chalice is engraved upon the Hebrew silver shekels of the time of Solomon and of an even remoter antiquity. In the Hindu excavation of the periods from Chandragupta Maurya, we observe the same powerfully stylized image. Upon Tibetan images, the Bodhisattvas are holding the chalice blossoming with tongues of flame. One may also remember the Druid chalice of life. Aflame, too, was the Holy Grail. All of these are symbols of the Meru tower and entheogenic wine, perhaps with a dose of serpent venom, as aids to attaining enlightenment and reaching toward the heavenly summit of Mount Meru.
Footnote about Peru: There is evidence that the Magadha rulers were descended from the Puru dynasty of kings. Might the country Peru have been an outpost or even the home of the Puru dynasty? Consider the possible etymology of Meru => Jeru => Jesu and then another link to Peru and the role of hallucinogens and serpent deities in Native American mythology. And then consider that Machu Picchu in Peru might have been an ancient Vedic holy city built beneath the mountain Huayna Picchu as a symbol of Mount Meru. The taking of Ayahuasca, a DMT laced wine, is common in Incan shamanic tradition.