Articles | Token Rock
Healing the Childish Adult Ego
There have been many discussions, books written, and classes and seminars held on healing the Child within. These avenues of exploration are all perfect, divine ways in which we draw attention to the Child within us, however healing our inner “Child” may only be an illusion. The concept of little people being “children” is a […]
Human Psychopharmacology of N, N-dimethyltryptamine
Document distributed under permission of Rick Strassman MD — Department of Psychiatry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-5326 USA Abstract We generated dose-response data for the endogenous and ultra-short-acting hallucinogen, N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), in a cohort of experienced hallucinogen users, measuring multiple biological and psychological outcome measures. Subjective responses were quantified with a new […]
Life is Like A Movie
Have you ever had an experience in your life, when you thought for sure you were in a movie? Doesn’t it seem like it at times? Wouldn’t it be great if you knew for sure what was coming next? Doesn’t it seem at times that some of the people in your life appear all too […]
Music of the Quantum Lattice
Originating in the quantum theory of Max Planck, the Quantum Chromodynamic Lattice (Lattice QCD) is the scientific name for what is popularly known as the holographic universe, zero-point lattice, the field, the divine matrix, crystallized space, quintessence or just ‘the aether.’ Planck was convinced of the existence of this underlying structure in nature, once declaring: […]
What is Ecointuition?
Far from a new catch-phrase, Ecointuition is a prescription for the evolving paradigm of existence. Broken down, Ecointuition is a blended phrase marrying the terms ‘ecology’ and ‘intuition.’ We all have a good grasp of what ecology is. Webster’s dictionary describes ecology as the study of relationships and interactions between biological organisms and their environment […]
Ecointuiting Tree Symbolism
By far, one of the most effective catalysts for illuminated understanding comes from trees. By hanging out in the branches of tree symbolism we can derive fathoms of higher understanding. This is what Ecointuition is all about: Moving our illumined perception into the deeper realms of Nature with a focus on gaining insight – even enlightenment. Trees […]
Appalachian Lychnomancy: Internal and External Meanings
Symbolism shows itself everywhere. Even candle flames hold their own symbolic messages. Lychnomancy is a form of symbolic divination by candle flame, and a great introduction article on lychnomancy can be found here. As a youngster, I had the pleasure of keeping company with an Appalachian wise woman. She shared a few insights about lychnomancy with […]
As Above, So Below: A Tree Illustration
In an earlier article, Ecointuition and Tree Symbolism, I made reference to various parts of trees as metaphors for spiritual growth. This isn’t an original idea. In fact, the Celts and other ancient sages were natural Ecointutives. They felt intrinsic connection with their surroundings and delved deeply into Nature for answers to the secrets of life. […]
Hearts Wide Open
I am an unlikely person to write about the topic of unconditional love, I’ll be the first to admit. Friends would say that I am simply self-deprecating and they would argue that I am the perfect person to talk about such things, but then they run me through the filter of that love, you see. […]
The Third Choice: Harmonic Evolution
To find our deepest connection to nature, we need look no further than the geometry of the human body. It is at the apex of creation, reflecting the beauty of the cosmos and embodying the order of its physics. Yet in spite of this self-evident truth, we still have very little understanding about why our […]
Harmonically Guided Evolution – Part 2 – The Universal Pattern of Life
In the first part (The third choice: Harmonic Evolution) of a two-part series, Richard Merrick presented an array of scientific evidence that suggests life evolves under the guidance of atomic resonance. We saw how carbon-12, the most stable element, bonds or resonates with pentagonal super clusters of water molecules to form the dodecahedral geometry of DNA. Then […]
Indigenously Indigo
So, what is it about the color Indigo that is so spiritual? Does it trigger something spiritual in our psyche or was it simply a matter of happenstance due to the availablity of indigo plants? Indigo in indigenous cultures Let’s start with a few facts: Fact 1: India is named after the Vedic god Indra […]
Transitional October: Encouragement for Change and Renewal
Have you ever been taken up with the feeling of electric excitement, but you don’t know why? Ever been consumed by prickles of exuberant anticipation – but not sure about what? You just know something incredible is right around the corner. For me, the month of October embodies these sensations. This time of year, there is magic crouched behind every […]
The Great Unfolding: Living Sacredness
We are by our very nature, sacred beings. It is my sense that we are born to manifest our divine birthright, to be in full essence and to shine in a way that reveals our true nature to others. In this, we inspire others to live out their own authentic soul experience on the planet […]
2011: The Dragon Returns
Earlier this year, I posted several articles about the number 11 as it concerns harmonic science and symbolism. The first two were about the so-called ‘time prompt phenomenon’ where I discuss the fact that an increasing number of people are noticing 7:11, 9:11, 11:11 and other 11’s on clocks far more frequently than other numbers. […]
The Untold Story of Valentine’s Day
Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day on February 14th is a day of celebration for St. Valentine. However, it isn’t widely known that he was just one of a group of Christian martyrs referred to collectively as the Valentine. Far from the ideals of love and Cupid’s arrow, this day was intended as a memorial to […]
The Last Serpent Deity
Those who have followed my writings may have stumbled on an article entitled The Harmonic Messiah. In it I found calendar evidence that Jesus was probably prophesied as a new serpent deity due to replace Bacchus / Dionysus. This was deduced from his birth year apparently timed to occur within an eleven proportion of a 5125-year […]
The Birth of World Religion from the Divine Proportion
To begin, there are three celestial deity lineages that are based on the astronomical relationship between the Sun, Venus and Moon. The Sun lineage, represented by Indra, Dumuzi, Tammuz, Dionysus, Bacchus (the ‘Green Man’) and Jesus, are all gods of wine, intoxication and the garden (more on this here). The Venus lineage, represented by Vena/Shukra, […]
The Psychedelic Tree of Life
The Egyptian goddess Lusaaset, meaning ‘the great one who comes forth,’ was considered the grandmother of all the Egyptian gods, except for her husband the sun god Tem or Atum (Amun-Ra). Similar in appearance to later goddesses Hathor and Isis, Lusaaset is depicted as wearing the Egyptian vulture crown surmounted with the uraeus (Kundalini cobra) and […]
The Harmonic Messiah
I should begin by saying I never intended to write what you are about to read. I’m not in the habit of writing about messiahs. It just came as a result of an innocent curiosity concerning the widespread phenomena of ‘seeing elevens,’ of which I too seem to be experiencing. While investigating a possible connection […]
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