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The Zero Point Field and Law of Resonance
The human being is a dual being and in the scientific paradigm of physics today, he is both a particle and a wave.
Return to the Giza Power Plant - Part 1
By: Christopher Dunn
Christopher Dunn In August, 1984, Analog magazine published my article 'Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt?' It was a study of 'Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh,' written by Sir. William Flinders Petrie. Since the article's publication, I have visited Egypt twice, and with each visit I leave with more respect for the ancient pyramid builders. While in Egypt in 1986, I visited the Cairo museum and gave a copy of my article, along with a business card, to the director of the museum. He thanked me kindly, threw it in a drawer to join other sundry material, and turned away. Another Egyptologist led me to the 'tool room' to educate me in the methods of the ancient masons by showing me a few cases that housed primitive copper tools. I asked my host about the cutting of granite, for this was the focus of my article... Read Now
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I wanted to share some new insight on my approach as I have been writing my book "Optical Universe".

Lately, I have been getting a consistent reminder from Spirit, my wonderful insightful wife, and others, about ho...
Time is a beautiful gift on Earth. It supports your understanding and your evolution into the future. It provides a platform for desire to refine into form. Life evolves, devolves, resolves and triumphs through the grace of t...
Feeling more sensitive or on edge regarding a relationship? Use Friday's new moon energies to help you uncover new approaches to healing what's out of balance. This particular new moon cycle indeed is likely to shine a spotli...
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Dear One, how you focus your brilliant heart and mind creates a force of vibrational frequency that effects life. It breaks down barriers, it builds walls, it cloaks a Truth that is just out of range to your conscious awarene...
Establishing a new lifestyle between Crete and Thailand
By: samuibill - 17 May 19
In the last three years, I have been coming to Crete yearly and making it a part of my life for 2-3 months a year. The rest of the time I live on a small Thai island that is truly paradise, and I thank my lucky stars daily that I found my way there. Actually, living alone on this island gives me the time to develop my inner side, as there is so much time to explore what I discover online. Then once a year I come out into the world and have an extroverted life... in a small town near Chania that has become rather popular with the British, who have settled all around. One reason for choosing... More
Harmonic Nature